
The Arc Flash – Preparation and Protection in the Data Center

Once data center design and construction are completed, and whitespace equipment is ready to go live, data center owners and operators have to confront the ...

Keeping Cool in the Age of AI

In the last article on The Modern Data Center, my associate Steve Altizer explored the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and explained how AI has become ...

CompuQuarterly Q2 2015

Before in-row and other close-coupled cooling strategies were introduced 10 years ago, most data center facilities were built using perimeter-style CRAH (computer room air handler) ...

Employee Spotlight: Jim Cobb, Director of Electrical Operations

Meet Jim Cobb You recently joined Compu Dynamics. What brought you there? What’s your background? Jim: The opportunity to join a positive work environment that ...

Save Energy & Money with CRAH/CRAC Retrofits

Rebates Are Available! Before in-row and other close-coupled cooling strategies were introduced 10 years ago, most data center facilities were built using perimeter-style CRAH (computer ...
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